Fuerteventura Shop

Canary Aloe Fuerteventura Shop

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Canary-Aloe-VeraCanary Aloe Vera, is the queen of the desert of Fuerteventura. What is the difference in AVISA AloeTiscamanita.


Our true Canary Aloevera products, such as the drinking juice a liquid extract of the Aloe and the pure skin gel, are undiluted and gently cold pressed. We work out everything kosher, without animal testing, without preservatives, and hostile detergents. We do not add any colourings or flavourings to our aloevera products.


Without parabens!
Canarian Aloe Barbadensis Miller, has been traditionally grown by us for generations on Fuerteventura's rich, alluvial volcanic soil, freshly harvested on the plantation in Tiscamanita and carefully cleaned leaf by leaf with water. Then the bark is peeled to exclude any aloin content. Cold pressed, the pulp is fed into the further production process. The Canarian Aloe Vera is brought to the processing stage in pure manual labour, from tilling the queen of the desert without a tractor, to bottling in the company's own production hall. As a desert plant, Aloevera lives in a rather hostile environment and has therefore had to fend for itself for millions of years. The leaf contains over 160 ingredients, including 12 vitamins, 13 enzymes (metabolism), minerals, 19 amino acids, essential oils, and especially important and practically only found in aloe: acemannan. The human body produces acemannan itself until puberty. This is one of the main substances that help infants and children heal so quickly and survive various childhood diseases. With puberty, the production of acemannan is stopped, although this substance is of course still (and only rightly) needed. It can now be supplied as a food supplement with the products of the Aloe Barbadensis Miller. Due to the thin ozone layer, aloe has always been considered the "silent healer", a pleasantly quiet healer and ideal sunscreen.

Quotation from Spanish press reports: "The plant is considered a benefit and boon, for all of our health and wellness, as the Canary Aloe is the true and truly genuine and better Aloe".

CertificateThe company, AVISA ALOETISCAMANITA and their cosmetic line "CanaryAloe", care about their health and about the Aloe Barbadensis, from biologically controlled Crtificate cultivation (seal of quality). This has led to the Aloe Vera produced on Fuerteventura receiving German pharmacy approval.

The company Canary Aloe® SA, Avisa was registered on 23 November 1989. It is registered in the Trade Register of Las Palmas.

Ergo! Our demands...

The highest quality of the products manufactured.

The highest level of customer and supplier satisfaction.

The highest level of personal satisfaction.

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